Wednesday, January 14, 2015

A Lack of History

After talking with a friend I was thinking further about the lack of Art History understanding among artists. They seem to have no history knowledge, knowledge of only recent history, or only knowledge of particular history. I thought that was it, but it seems to be a larger lack of overall art history knowledge. Do they need to have everything perfectly on recall? No. Personally my best knowledge is Pop Art and Dadaism. But I can still understand and talk cave works to renaissance, the difference between Modern and Contemporary and more. It just seems that Artists have been working so hard to forget art history, that they may not be able to be part of the future history. Artist that will, are the ones that can look at the past, think about it, draw from it. To use elements of the past now and down the road will enrich current and future arts.

Originally Posted: October 22, 2011

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